നേവിയിൽ 2,800 അഗ്നിവീർ | Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2022 for Agniveer | 2800 Posts
അപേക്ഷ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി : ജൂലായ് 22 | Last Date: 22 July 2022

Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2022 – Indian Navy Agniveer has announced the employment notification for the post of Agniveer. There are a total of 2800 vacancies to be filled for these posts. Candidates who completed 12th are eligible to apply for this job. The selection will be based on the Written Examination/Interview. Eligible candidates can apply through online on or before 22 July 2022. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below;
About Indian Navy : The Indian Navy is the Naval Branch of the Indian Armed Forces under the supreme commander called President of India. The Merchant Marine is the sister service of the Indian Navy to safeguard the nations. The Maratha emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is the father of the Indian Navy. He started the Maratha Empire in 1674 after that it established the naval force called Indian Navy. The First Squadron of fighting ships called East India Company’s marine arrived on 5 September 1612. The primary objective of the Indian navy is to identify the threat or any other issues in and from the sea.
Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2022 for Agniveer:
Job Summary |
Job Role | Agniveer |
Qualification | 12th |
Total Vacancies | 2800 |
Experience | Freshers |
Stipend | Rs.30,000/- |
Job Location | Across India |
Last Date | 22 July 2022 |
Detailed Eligibility:
Educational Qualification:
- Qualified in 10+2 examination with Maths & Physics and at least one of these subjects:- Chemistry/ Biology/ Computer Science from the Boards of School Education recognised by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
Age Limit:
- Agniveer – Born between 01 Nov 1999 – 30 Apr 2005
Total Vacancies:
- Agniveer – 2800 Posts
- Agniveer – Rs.30,000/-
Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2022 Selection Process:
- Shortlisting of candidates would be based on aggregate percentage obtained in Physics, Mathematics and at least one of these subjects- Chemistry/ Biology/ Computer Science in the qualifying examination (10+2). Shortlisting will be carried out state wise in a ratio of four times the number of vacancies. The cut off marks may vary from state to state as vacancies have been allocated in a state-wise manner. The shortlisted candidates would be issued call-up letter for written examination and PFT. Aadhar Card is mandatory for written examination/ PFT.
Physical Standards:
- Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for selection. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. PFT standard is as follows:-
Gender | 1.6 Km run | Squats (Uthak Baithak) | Push-ups | Bent Knee Sit-ups |
Male | 06 min 30 sec | 20 | 12 | – |
Female | 08 min | 15 | – | 10 |
How to apply for Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2022?
All the interested and eligible candidates can apply through online by using official website on or before 22 July 2022.
Important Links |
Notification for Agniveer (SSR) – 01/2022 BATCH (PDF Format) | Click Here |
Apply Online & More Details | Click Here |
Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2022 : ഇന്ത്യൻ നേവിയിൽ അഗ്നിവീർ (എസ്.എസ്.ആർ.) തസ്തികയിലെ 2,800 ഒഴിവുകളിലേക്കുള്ള വിജ്ഞാപനം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു.
അവിവാഹിതരായ പുരുഷന്മാർക്കും വനിതകൾക്കും അപേക്ഷിക്കാം.
വിദ്യാഭ്യാസയോഗ്യത : മാത്തമാറ്റിക്സ്, ഫിസിക്സ്, കെമിസ്ട്രി/ ബയോളജി/കംപ്യൂട്ടർ സയൻസ് വിഷയത്തിലുള്ള പ്ലസ് ടു പാസായിരിക്കണം.
പ്രായം : 1999 നവംബർ 1-നും 2005 ഏപ്രിൽ 30-നും ഇടയിൽ ജനിച്ചവർ (ഇരുതീയതികളും ഉൾപ്പെടെ).
തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പ്: എഴുത്തുപരീക്ഷ, ഫിസിക്കൽ ഫിറ്റ്നെ സ് ടെസ്റ്റ് എന്നിവയിലൂടെയാണ് തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പ്.
വിശദമായ സിലബസ് വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ ലഭ്യമാണ്.
ഫിസിക്കൽ ടെസ്റ്റ്: പുരുഷന്മാർ :
- ആറ് മിനിറ്റിൽ 30 സെക്കൻഡിൽ 1.6 കിലോമീറ്റർ ഓട്ടം,
- 20 സ്ക്വാട്ട്,
- 12 പുഷ്അപ്.
- എട്ട് മിനിറ്റിൽ 1.6 കിലോമീറ്റർ ഓട്ടം,
- 15 സ്ക്വാട്ട്,
- 10 സിറ്റ് അപ്.
ശാരീരികയോഗ്യത: ഉയരം പുരുഷന്മാർക്ക് 157 സെ.മീ. സ്ത്രീകൾക്ക് 152 സെ.മീ. നിശ്ചിത കാഴ്ചശക്തിയും ഉയര ത്തിന് അനുപാതികമായുള്ള ശരീരഭാരവും ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കണം.
[the_ad id=”13011″]അപേക്ഷ ജൂലായ് 15 മുതൽ ഓൺലൈൻ അപേക്ഷ സ്വീകരിച്ചുതുടങ്ങും.
വിശദവിവരങ്ങൾക്കും അപേക്ഷിക്കാനും www.joinindiannavy.gov.in എന്ന വെബ്സൈറ്റ് കാണുക.
ഓൺലൈൻ അപേക്ഷ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന അവസാന തീയതി : ജൂലായ് 22 .
Important Links | |
Notification for Agniveer (SSR) – 01/2022 BATCH (PDF Format) | Click Here |
Notification – Agniveer (SSR) | Click Here |
Notification – Agniveer (MR) | Click Here |
More Details | Click Here |
- Agniveer (SSR)
- Agniveer (MR)
As Agniveer (SSR), you will become part of a highly technical Organization. You will be required to serve in powerful, modern ships such as Aircraft Carriers, Guided Missile Destroyers and Frigates, Replenishment Ships and highly technical and fascinating submarines and aircraft
The work is divided amongst different teams that do different kinds of jobs. It could be operations of various equipment such as radars, sonars or communications or firing of weapons such as missiles, guns or rockets.
Candidates selected will undergo Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch / Trade will be allotted as per the requirement of the service.
Qualified in 10+2 examination with Mathematics, Physics and at least one of these subjects: Chemistry/Biology/Computer Science from an educational board recognized by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
The age for Agniveer (SSR) candidates should be between 17½ – 21 years on the day of enrolment.
*A one-time relaxation of upper age limit upto 23 years has been granted for the Agniveer 2022 batch.
[the_ad id=”13010″]- Agniveer (MR) – Chef
You will be required to prepare food as per menu (vegetarian and non-vegetarian including handling of meat products), and accounting of ration. In addition, you will also be trained in fire arms and will be allotted other duties for efficient running of the organisation. - Agniveer (MR) – Steward
You would be required to serve food in the Officers’ messes as waiters, housekeeping, accounting of funds, wine and stores, preparation of menu etc. In addition, you will also be trained in fire arms and will be allotted other duties for efficient running of the organisation. - Agniveer (MR) – Hygienist
They will be required to maintain hygiene in wash-rooms and other areas. In addition, you will also be trained in fire arms and will be allotted other duties for efficient running of organisation
Beside their professional work, these branches are trained for onboard lookout duties as well as small arms handling and also trained for ship’s landing and boarding parties. They are involved in all the activities which are conducted by a ship.
Candidates selected will undergo Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch / Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service.
Candidate must have passed Matriculation Examination from the Boards of School Education recognised by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
[the_ad id=”13017″]AGE
The age for Agniveer (MR) candidates should be between 17½ -21 years on the day of enrolment.
*A one-time relaxation of upper age limit upto 23 years has been granted for the Agniveer 2022 batch only.
Important Links | |
Notification for Agniveer (SSR) – 01/2022 BATCH (PDF Format) | Click Here |
Notification – Agniveer (SSR) | Click Here |
Notification – Agniveer (MR) | Click Here |
More Details | Click Here |