ഗുജറാത്ത് മെട്രോയിൽ അവസരം
ഗുജറാത്ത് മെട്രോ റെയിൽ കോർപറേഷൻ ലിമിറ്റഡിൽ വിവിധ തസ്തികയിലായി 77 ഒഴിവ്.
കരാർ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലാണ് നിയമനം.
അപേക്ഷിക്കേണ്ട അവസാന തിയ്യതി : ഏപ്രിൽ 3 വരെ ഓൺലൈൻ ആയി.
ഒഴിവുള്ള തസ്തികകൾ താഴെ പറയുന്നവയാണ് : ചീഫ് ജനറൽ മാനേജർ/ ജനറൽ മാനേജർ (സിവിൽ), അഡീഷണൽ ജനറൽ മാനേജർ(സിവിൽ ഡിസൈൻ/ ട്രാക്ക്), ജോയിന്റ് ജനറൽ മാനേജർ (സിവിൽ/ അണ്ടർഗ്രൗണ്ട് ), സീനിയർ ഡപ്യൂട്ടി ജനറൽ മാനേജർ (സിവിൽ), ഡെപ്യൂട്ടി ജനറൽ മാനേജർ (സിവിൽ, ക്യൂഎ/ ക്യൂസി, സേഫ്റ്റി, മൾട്ടി മോഡൽ ഇന്റഗ്രേഷൻ-ട്രാൻസ്പോർട് പ്ലാനിങ്), മാനേജർ(സിവിൽ, ആർക്കിടെക്ട, മൾട്ടി മോഡൽ ഇന്റഗ്രേഷൻ-ട്രാൻസ്പോർട് പ്ലാനിങ്), അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് മാനേജർ(സിവിൽ, അലൈൻമെന്റ് എക്സ്പെർട്ട് , മൾട്ടി മോഡൽ ഇന്റഗ്രേഷൻ-ട്രാൻസ്പോർട് പ്ലാനിങ് ), സീനിയർ എങ്ങിനെയർ എൻജിനീയർ(സിവിൽ), സർവേയർ (സിവിൽ).
കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾക് സന്ദർശിക്കേണ്ട വെബ്സൈറ്റ്: www.gujaratmetrorail.com
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited, a 50:50 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) jointly owned by
Government of India and Government of Gujarat is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of
Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project phase-I, Phase-II and Surat Phase-I.
GMRC invites applications from qualified and experienced candidates as per the following posts and
appointments will be only on “Contract” with minimum 3 years to 5 years, on standard terms &
conditions of the Organization:
Civil Dept.: For Surat Metro Rail Project & Ahmedabad Metro Rail project Phase – II | |||
Post Name | No of Vacancies | Age Limit | Revised Pay Scale(IDA Pattern) |
Chief General Manager / General Manager (Civil) |
4 Nos. | 55 years | 120000‐280000 |
Additional General Manager (Civil Design / Track) |
3 Nos. | 53 years | 100000‐260000 |
Joint General Manager(Civil / Underground) | 10 Nos | 50 years | 90000-240000 |
Senior Deputy General Manager (Civil) | 48 years | 80000‐220000 | |
Deputy General Manager (Civil) | 45 years | 70000‐200000 | |
Deputy General Manager (Civil – QA/QC) | 45 years | 70000‐200000 | |
Deputy General Manager (Civil – Safety) | 45 years | 70000‐200000 | |
Deputy General Manager – Multi Modal Integration (Transport Planning) |
45 years | 70000‐200000 | |
Manager (Civil) | 24 Nos. | 40years | 60000‐180000 |
Manager (Architect) | |||
Manager – Multi Modal Integration (Transport Planning) |
Asst. Manager (Civil) | 32 Years | 50000‐160000 | |
Asst. Manager (Alignment Expert/CIvil) | |||
Asst. Manager – Multi Modal Integration (Transport Planning) |
Sr. Engineer (Civil) | 30 Nos. | 28 years | 35000-110000 |
Surveyor (Civil) | 6 Nos. | 28 years | 33000‐100000 |
Systems, Electrical & Rolling Stock Dept: For Surat Metro Rail Project & Ahmedabad Metro Rail project Phase – II | |||
Post Name | No of Vacancies | Age Limit | Revised Pay Scale(IDA Pattern) |
General Manager | 8 Nos | 55 years | 120000‐280000 |
Additional General Manager | 4 Nos | 53 years | 100000‐260000 |
Senior Deputy General Manager | 4 Nos | 48 years | 80000‐220000 |
Joint General Manager | 4 Nos | 50 years | 90000-240000 |
Deputy General Manager | 10 Nos | 45 years | 70000‐200000 |
Manager | 8 Nos | 40 years | 60000‐180000 |
Assistant Manager | 20 Nos | 32 years | 50000‐160000 |
I. For Civil Wing:
Sr.No.1: Chief General Manager/ General Manager (Civil), No. of posts – 4. Candidate must be B.E/B.Tech (Civil) engineering graduate from a Govt. recognized University/Institute with minimum of 60 % marks / equivalent CGPA. Applicants should have minimum 20 years of Post Qualification experience of Executive level in reputed private organization of Civil Engineering or 17 years Post Qualification experience of Executive level in Government / PSU’s presently working in IDA payscale of 100000-260000 & above pay scales or equivalent CDA pay scale with experience in construction of large infra project of planning & execution in Viaducts / Tunnels / Railways / Bridges / Multi‐Stored Buildings / Workshop Sheds.
The candidates will be responsible for supervision and monitoring of Construction works, planning, design and interface with Government Agencies, etc. Candidate must be familiar.
with management of contracts relating to the large infrastructure projects. Quality Control & Assurance System in civil construction, Safety Implementation, Programme Monitoring, IS /International Codes for construction of civil underground/elevated structures is desirable.
Sr.No.2: Additional General Manager (Civil Design- 1 / Track – 2), No. of posts – 3. For Civil Design : Candidate must be a B.E / B. Tech (Civil) engineering graduate from a Govt. recognized University/Institute with minimum of 60 % marks / equivalent CGPA. Applicants should have minimum 18 years of Post Qualification experience of Executive level in reputed private organization of Civil Engineering or 15 years of Post Qualification experience of Executive level in Government / PSU’s presently working in IDA pay scale of Rs. 90000-240000 & above pay scales or equivalent CDA payscale with experience in structural design of Metro Viaduct, Pile Foundation, PSC Box Girders, I Girders, Diaphragm walls of Metro Rail Viaduct & Stations and all matters relating to Construction Planning, ConstructionProgress, Checking /ReviewingMetroRailalignment,Stationlocations,land requirementfor construction,review of tender technical specifications. Preference will be given to candidates having M.Tech in Structural engineering and experience in Bridge / Viaduct / Tunnel designs.
For Track: Candidate must be a B.E / B. Tech (Civil) engineering graduate from a Govt. recognized University/Institute with minimum of 60 % marks / equivalent CGPA. Applicants should have minimum 18 years of Post Qualification experience of Executive level in reputed private organization of Civil Engineering or 15 years of Post Qualification experience of Executive level in Government / PSU’s presently working in IDA pay scale of Rs. 90000-240000 & above pay scales or equivalent CDA payscale with experience in detailed track design and construction of Metro Rail / Railway track / track components procurement / planning construction and should be well versed withlong welded rail (LWR) design and specifications.
Experience should be in Ballast less track. Shall be incharge of all track related works and will also be responsible for track alignment, design & planning and track construction, maintenance and procurement. Candidate should have experience and knowledge of inter‐ face with Metro Railway related disciplines such as signaling, traction and rolling stock, etc.
Sr. No. 3: JGM (Civil) – No. of posts ‐ 3.
Candidate must be a B.E / B. Tech (Civil) engineering graduate from a Govt. recognized University/Institute with minimum of 60 % marks / equivalent CGPA. Applicants should have minimum 16 years of Post Qualification experience of Executive level in reputed private organization of Civil Engineering or 14 years Post Qualification experience of Executive level in Government / PSU’s presently working in IDA pay scale of 80000-220000 & above pay scales or equivalent CDA payscale with experience in large infra project execution environment, out of which 5 years’ experience in construction of Viaducts, Bridges, Multi‐ Stored Buildings, Workshop Sheds. Candidates having working in Metro Rail Viaduct construction with experience of supervising Segment Casting Yard work, erection of Launching Girder for segment launching, pile foundation works, Underground & TBM experience will be preferred.
** For More Details See Official Notification
For Systems, Electrical & Rolling Stock Positions
Sl.No.1: General Manager (Electrical/Traction/Signalling/Telecom) No.of Posts-8: For Electrical: Candidate must be a B.E / B. Tech (Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics) engineering graduate from a Govt. recognized University/Institute having minimum 20 years of Post Qualification experience in reputed private organization or 17 years in Government / PSU’s of Pay Scale Rs.100000-260000 and above pay-scales with experience in planning, preparation of technical specification, administration of contracts, installation, testing, commissioning and statutory approvals of electric rolling stock system in railways / metros/ other PSUs/ private sector. Also he/she should be conversant with international competitive bidding process, computerized environment working and latest electrical rolling stock technologies for urban & suburban. Candidates with experience of working in modern urban metro rail systems will be given preference.
For Traction:
Candidate must be a B.E / B. Tech (Electrical / Electrical & Electronics) engineering graduate from
a Govt. recognized University/Institute having minimum 20 years of post-qualification experience
in planning, preparation of technical specification, administration of contracts, installation, testing, commissioning and statutory approvals of power works including receiving sub-stations and power distribution works in railways / metros/ other PSUs/private sector dealing with electric system. Also he/she should be conversant with international competitive bidding process, computerized
environment working and latest technologies in electric system in urban & suburban environment.
Candidates with experience of working in modern urban metro rail systems with electrical traction
will be given preference.
** For More Details See Official Notification
1. Applicants should fill up the required information online only on our Company website through the link under http://www.gujaratmetrorail.com/careers/ “APPLY ONLINE” along with necessary attachments in a merged single PDF file containing CV, payslips & testimonials etc., on or before 3 rd April, 2020.
2. Any candidate found guilty of impersonation or submitting fabricated documents or making statements, which are false, incorrect or indulging in suppression of facts, attempts to use unfair means for the purpose of recruitment, will be liable for rejection.
3. The candidate shall have to indicate his/her acceptance to the offer within three working days from the receipt of offer, if not; next candidate in order of merit will be offered the appointment on similar lines. However, the Competent Authority may grant such extension of time depending upon the exigencies, if so requested.
Call lettersfor interview will be issued to shortlisted applicants indicating Time, Date and
Venue of the Interview.
Important Links | |
Official Notification | Click Here |